We’re open for business!

All beaches in Panama City Beach were allowed to reopen as of Friday, May 1 and we couldn’t be more thrilled.

We’re now back open, providing 25 percent capacity in-door seating and full capacity outdoor seating – although servers will be mindful of where to seat each of our guests so that there is reasonable distancing between tables.

We take the health and safety of our customers and employees very seriously and we have initiated many safety precautions in the preparation and delivery of our products so that we can ensure a safe environment for all.

This includes the careful steps we took in re-opening our restaurant – ensuring all equipment and furniture was sanitized completely and properly and that all staff were practicing careful physical distancing while working hard to help get things back up and running.

We are excited to be able to serve you again and look forward to seeing you all at our tables. Cheers to a long, but healthy wait!

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